My story
My background
The realisation
Making the jump
A new world
Helping others
How I became The Communication Expert
My story is about going from conflict to connection. It involves making a big decision in my previous long-term relationship, getting on plane to another continent and coming back with a realisation that changed everything. It’s a journey that now makes sense but at the time I didn't have the road map to see this. And over the last 14 years, through my life experiences and corporate career as a Learning & Development Manager, I figured out how to communicate with myself so I could be unapologetically me and deepen the relationships with the people around me, both personally and professionally. And I’m here to help you connect to your authentic self and become the confident communicator you’re capable of being, so you master the tools to make the decisions and changes you desire.

Growing up as a mixed race girl in East London... would take me a while to figure out my identity, rebuild my confidence and find my voice. For years I had convinced myself that I hadn’t experienced trauma that had impacted the way I viewed the world. But what I came to realise, was that trauma is relative and we all wear it differently. I remembered school constantly being a battle of trying to fit in and figuring out how to juggle 2 worlds that couldn’t be more different. Whether it was between home and school or two different cultures at home, I never quite knew where I fitted in or belonged. And I soon internalised this as trying to adapt and shape myself into someone other people would understand, rather than being the tenacious, resilient, multi-faceted, creative and bold human that I actually was.

I was running on autopilot
I started my corporate career at the age of 21 where masking who I was, led me to climbing the career ladder pretty quickly but also left me feeling unable to connect with my work. I was in a relationship where I was unable to communicate my needs, mainly because I wasn't aware of what they were; I’d perfected being a passenger in other people's worlds for so long, that I had no idea how to even get back to who I was. All I knew is something had to change. So I ended my 10 year relationship, packed a bag and got on a plane to Brazil.

Without speaking a word of Portuguese I boarded a flight. In hindsight, this was the chapter of my life that became the catalyst for my growth, healing and self discovery. It allowed me to examine my beliefs and values and when no one knows you, it gives you an opportunity to work out who you really are. What happens when you let go of other people's expectations? Why was speaking to myself in a deprecating way habitual? What was actually important to me? I could no longer use the excuse of being busy to avoid how I truly felt and in my newfound quiet, I confronted the causes of the internalising and overthinking. The process of self discovery lead to there being light at the end of the tunnel.

My name is Amira
Touching back in London town, everything felt different. I realised that I'd been figuring out how to communicate authentically to be unapologetically me and deepen the relationships with the people around me. Communicating is something every single one us does daily, in some way, shape or form. But it’s something so many of us give little thought to. Imagine a world where we understand how to change the conversation with ourselves, where we deepen our understanding of why we communicate the way we do, deepen the relationships with the people around us AND the universe.

Unlock the life you want to live
This is when OPEN UP, my bespoke 1:1 coaching method was born. It's a journey where you reclaim your voice, speak your truth and express yourself as you level up and call in the reality you dream of. Fast forward to today where I work with individuals, businesses and renowned brands running workshops so they can thrive. The Communication Hub is a place where you can listen to the OPEN UP podcast whenever and wherever you are, join a masterclass or work with me directly. You'll learn to communicate confidently, stop avoiding conflict and refine your communication toolkit, because despite what you've been told, being a confident communicator isn't a personality trait.

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Are you ready to start your journey?
Do you want to be able to stand up in a room full of people and hear the sound of your own voice speaking your truth as you no longer apologise for who you are?
Then you’ve come to the right place.
Take the next step. Unlock the life you want to live.