The Communication Blog

Weekly Wisdom

Communication impacts every aspect of your life... join me as I break down all aspects of communication from Relationships, Work, Family, The Universe and communicating with yourself.

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The Truth about communicating confidently

The Truth about communicating confidently and why you need self belief to master it.
October 11, 2023

How are you talking to yourself?

Your new inner dialogue - 'Your beliefs become your thoughts. Your thoughts become your words. And your words become your actions' - How are you talking to yourself?
October 11, 2023

The 5 types of imposter syndrome

The 5 types of imposter syndrome... which one are you?
October 11, 2023

Unhealthy habits to drop

Unhealthy habits to drop...the way you communicate isn't determined by your personality. 
September 16, 2023

One things my clients have to do when we are working together...

…Is watch the language they use. I don’t mean that they can’t be themselves or say what they want. But they’re working with me because they want to do something differently. And the way you talk to yourself, about yourself and about your goals can determine whether you’ll reach them or not.
September 16, 2023

Stop trying to control your manifestations

Stop trying to control your manifestations... because you're getting in your own way.
September 16, 2023

Your 5 Manifestation Blocks

How to get unblocked and manifest what you really want...
October 11, 2023

Be Authentic... But know when to adapt

When you master authenticity you'll develop the communication skills to open up, express your feelings and use your voice.
September 16, 2023

How I stopped letting Self Doubt get in my way...

How I stopped letting self doubt get in my way... and how you can too!
September 16, 2023

3 ways small talk makes you a better communicator

Small talk can be a love/hate kinda relationship. And if you’re anything like the old me, I thought it involved surface-level conversation, forcing connections and awkward moments trying to think of what to say next. In this post we dive into how it can make you a better communicator.
September 16, 2023

Why you need to be able to give feedback...

What is stopping you giving feedback to someone? In this post we discuss the importance of giving feedback.
September 16, 2023

Mental health and your communication habits

Improve the way you communicate and improve your mind
September 13, 2023

What to do if you have a difficult boss?

Having a difficult boss can take over your life... I'm sharing my 3 tips to help you communicate differently which can change the course of the relationship that you have with your boss ….
September 13, 2023

Stop trying to control your Manifestations

How are you controlling your manifestations? Where can you let go?
September 13, 2023

Why is Self Love so difficult?

Loving others feels easy, but loving ourselves feels hard. This blog post discusses and emphasises the importance of self-love and acceptance. It discusses how learning to love oneself is key to recognising one's self-worth and how it impacts one's performance at work and in relationships.
September 13, 2023

Communication in the Workplace

This blog post discusses the importance of effective communication in the workplace. It explores how communication can improve productivity, reduce misunderstandings, and foster positive relationships. It provides tips to help create clear and effective communication between employees, managers, and supervisors. The post emphasizes how communication is the key to success in any workplace.
September 16, 2023

The OPEN UP Podcast

Ready to become a better communicator? Check out the OPEN UP podcast with communication expert Amira. You'll get access to amazing communication strategies, insights from inspiring guests, and more - all for free. Unlock the power of communication and listen to OPEN UP today!