Stop trying to control your Manifestations

Amira Mansour
September 13, 2023
min read
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There’s one area I see my community and clients going wrong, when it comes to manifesting; you’re trying to control when and how your manifestations are going to happen.

You’ve heard me say before that you’re co-creating with the Universe.

The Universe has your back and wants you to thrive and be your best self.

Part of navigating this element of manifesting means being OK with releasing the timeframe of when you want your desires to become a reality.

The Universe works on divine timing, not your timing.

This doesn’t mean you can’t be specific about what you want. However I don't want you to get attached to how or when it's going to happen because that's beyond your control.

For my OG’s around here, you’ll remember I started The Communication Expert, 11 months earlier than I’d planned. And it was all because the Universe had a bigger plan for me that was bigger than the plan I had for myself and my business.

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