The Masterclass Library

Get inspired, gain clarity, and set yourself up for success with practical strategies and tools that you can implement immediately. Start your journey today.

How to break the cycle of self doubt

At some point in our lives most of us will experience self-doubt. And it isn’t always a bad thing. But when it becomes a constant feature in your life and you feel it taking over, often leaving you feeling stuck or unable to take the next step, this is when you NEED to do something about it. This masterclass is here to give you the tools to break the cycle so you can cultivate a job that feels good or a relationship where you trust yourself. 

January 2023
90 mins

Manifest Your Goals

In this 90 minute workshop we’ll take a deep dive into the world of manifesting. If you feel like you just can’t get it right or maybe it’s a load of BS, then this masterclass is made for you. We’ll explore how you’re already doing and why you may just need to be a little more intentional about it. You’ll walk away knowing exactly how to do it in your own way and why it matters if you truly want to change what your world looks like. Goals aren’t just for the new year - you can take this masterclass anytime!

January 2023
90 mins

Bossing your Boundaries

If you’re struggling to speak up, express how you feel, avoid any form of confrontation or worry about what others think, this masterclass is for you. It’s time to identify what’s important for you, how you communicate this at work or home and how to do it with love and respect for you and the other person. 

June 2022
90 mins

Knowing Who You Are

Have you got a feeling that life feels out of sync but you’re not sure why? Have you gone against your gut and immediately regretted it? If you’re ready to create a life where you love and enjoy what you do and who you do it with, then you have to know who you are first. And this starts with understanding your values. They’re your compass for life and guide you when you get to a crossroad. In this masterclass I’m sharing my proven method to discover who truly are!

April 2022
90 mins

Reframe & Retrain Your Brain

Ready to reprogram your mind and get results? This 60 minute webinar offers strategies and tools to help you reframe and retrain your brain for success. Learn how to identify and break limiting beliefs, practice powerful visualization techniques and create an action plan to reach your goals. Unlock your potential today!

February 2022
90 mins

The OPEN UP Podcast

Ready to become a better communicator? Check out the OPEN UP podcast with communication expert Amira. You'll get access to amazing communication strategies, insights from inspiring guests, and more - all for free. Unlock the power of communication and listen to OPEN UP today!

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