How I stopped letting Self Doubt get in my way...

Amira Mansour
September 16, 2023
min read
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I spent most of my adult life (probably some of my teenage life too) doubting myself. I doubted being able to do the job I was doing. I doubted going for a promotion. I doubted leading a team. I doubted changing industry sectors.

I also doubted relationships. I doubted if I was good enough. I doubted if I'd find someone that was on my wave length. I doubted how I looked. I doubted if I was deserving enough of a loving partner. One where I felt equal, seen and heard.

And it manifested from a ‘drill sergent’ approach growing up, where I was so used to meeting high expectations, that this soon became the norm. And over time I got used to undermining my value, selling myself short and playing small, just in case I messed up.

Maybe it's the same for you. Or maybe you're feeling like you're not qualified enough or experienced enough or that you don't know enough to be there; wherever ‘there’ is for you. Or maybe you're struggling to make decisions incase you don't make the right one. So you feel stuck, stagnant and paralyzed from taking action.

So if you're not feeling enough, are being indecisive or find it hard to take credit, there's a chance you're doubting yourself.

Back in 2017, I worked with my first coach and for the majority of my time we focused on overcoming this. And naively when we got to the end, I thought I was ‘cured’. I thought I'd never feel that way again.

But I was wrong.

And I soon learnt that the goal isn't to eliminate self-doubt, it's to understand where it comes, why it's showing up (especially when you've already done the work on resolving it) and how to deal with it this time round.

Tomorrow, I'll share part 2 with all the details on how I'll support you to overcome your self-doubt, just like I did.

So if you're ready to feel confident at work, deserving of that relationship and stop feeling the need to prove yourself, then make sure you check your inbox on Sunday!

I’ve also shared this week’s journal prompt, so take 5, grab your phone, a notepad or record your thoughts on an audio and spend time reflecting on this question…


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