How are you talking to yourself?

Amira Mansour
October 11, 2023
min read
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How are you talking to yourself?

The beginning of a new year, naturally brings us a time of reflection to look back and see what’s worked and what we may want to do differently.

So it feels good that now could also be a time to look at the way you’re talking to yourself. As humans, we’re hardwired to think negatively. And once upon a time humans needed this in order to survive. Being able to scan an environment for threats was an integral part of survival.

But in today’s world, we probably don’t need this in the same way. However, your brain is still designed to keep you safe and operate in the zone that feels familiar


Bringing your self-awareness to the way you talk to yourself plays a huge part in helping you create the life you’re actually here to live. So I’m sharing my 3 tips to help kick start your new year and change the way you talk to yourself:

Tip 1: Keep a note

There’s power in putting pen to paper, or even keeping a folder in your phone so you can write down the negative things you’re saying to yourself. The way you talk to yourself has probably become such a habitual part of who you think you are that you’re not even aware of the things you’re saying, perhaps even to the extent that you’re saying them, so start tracking this.

Tip 2: Name your negative self talk

I don’t mind if you think this is crazy, uncomfortable or something you don’t want to do. There are studies that show how powerful this tool is. Whether you name your negative voice or talk to yourself in the 3rd person it will truly help you separate yourself from the voice inside your head and realise that's not who you are. It's just who you think you are/

Tip 3: Challenge your dialogue

Every time you catch yourself saying something negative. I want you to challenge this belief, this thought, this behaviour. Where can you find evidence that this isn’t true? When can you remember being good at it? Or being liked? Or being fun?

I’ve shared this week’s journal prompt, so take 5, grab your phone, a notepad or record your thoughts on an audio and spend time reflecting on this question…


Thinking about working with me on a 1:1 basis? Book your free 30 minute call with me here, to see how I can support you to co-create the life you want .

I'm looking forward to it!

P.S. Have you checked out the OPEN UP with Amira podcast? Each and every week I'll be bringing you soulversations to feed your soul, grow your mind and leave you with food for thought. So why not check out our episode with Jermaine Binns

on Spotify, Soundcloud or Apple or my another episode I think you will enjoy How to Disagree Better!

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