Your 5 Manifestation Blocks

Amira Mansour
October 11, 2023
min read
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Manifesting is a hot topic and it feels like all the celebrities are doing it.

Are you?

You see the thing is you’re already manifesting, all of the time, so not only should you get intentional about it, but it’s pretty important you know how you may be getting in your own way.

You see the universe is co-creating with you so you have to do your share too. But maybe you're not aware of what you’re doing wrong.

If you want to hear me talk you through your 5 blocks, check out my latest IGTV here or simply keep scrolling to read more…


Block 1 | You’re not specific enough

It's difficult for the universe to deliver something you want, when you haven’t got clear on what this is. You want an abundance? Great. An abundance of what? Problems or blessings?

If you want a new home, tell me what it looks like. Describe the colours, the feel, the size, the space. Get as specific as you can.

Block 2 | You don’t believe you’re worthy

Your subconscious has a serious part to play when it comes to manifesting. If you don’t believe you’re worthy of it, if you don’t believe you deserve it, then you’ll find a way to sabotage the process and reject it, even if it did happen.

Block 3 | You’re fixated on it

Focusing on where ‘it’ is and how ‘it’s going to happen isn’t down to you. It’s called divine timing. The more you fixate on where it is or why it hasn’t turned up the less likely it is to show up.

You see the thing is when you make your order on Amazon you usually know it’ll turn up the next day with Prime or soon after. But you don’t keep questioning where it is.

Manifesting is the same.

Put your order in with the universe and then take the actions and steps towards it. Sometimes there are bigger things far out of your control. The more you fixate on it, the more you’re showing the universe that you don’t trust it’s yours.

Read the full article here where I’ve shared all 5 blocks in my blog post with YK DAILY or if you prefer listening to the audio click here and list to the podcast episode instead.

I’ve shared this week’s journal prompt, so take 5, grab your phone, a notepad or record your thoughts on an audio and spend time reflecting on this question…


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