Unhealthy habits to drop

Amira Mansour
September 16, 2023
min read
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The way you communicate isn't determined by your personality. 
You don't overthink because it's the way you were born. Or are incapable of speaking up because you're just a ‘quiet’ person. 
You see, we all have a communication blueprint. And it's formed as we've grown up, the role models we've seen communicate, the experiences we've had and the beliefs we've internalised about ourselves. 
And the good news is that we can change, re-design and create a new blueprint that works for us now. 
What communication habits do you have that simply aren't serving you? 
This week I'm sharing my top 5 to drop this year….
Silent Treatment
I know that it might feel easier in the moment to withdraw, say nothing and avoid the difficult situation. But there's a reason you shut down and want to retreat. And at some point you probably learnt it was the safer option or you're simply not sure how to find your voice. However, it can make it pretty difficult for the person on the receiving end to know how to communicate with you. 
Having to be right
Communicating is never about being right or wrong. We all have a different filter and perspective of the world. Being able to communicate well means your message landed in the way you intended it. It's not about having to agree with each other or see it through the same lens.
There is nothing wrong with saying sorry. But the power of a sincere and genuine apology at the right time beats you repeatdly saying sorry because you feel bad. It loses it's meaning and is unlikely the other person will believe what you're saying. 
Sometimes we think it helps when we know what someone is going to say. But it just because it boosts your ego it doesn't mean it's helpful to do. You're not giving the other person time to voice how they feel or express themselves and over time may reinforce their belief that they're incapable of saying what they mean.
You may think you need 5 sentences to explain and re-explain what you mean, but it simply undermines your message. We usually find ourselves doing this because we're insecure about what we're saying and how it's coming acorss or we love detail. Whichever reason is causing you to overexplain, I can promise you it's not making you get your point across better.
So which habit are you going to drop?

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